eNurcing - support for students' practice

The project “eNurcing - support for students' practice “ is funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Strategic Partnerships, Key Action 2, Sector: Education and training.

Nr. proiect: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000025611

The implementation period is 18 months, between 10.01.2022 – 09.07.2023

The students of the "Christiana" Galati School and the students from the Hungarian partner Oktforodvil, were trained to use the eNurcing platform in training. They use it successfully from their computer or phone during training, at school or at home. The feedback received from them is positive, they are pleased that the school has a new digital tool, according to current European trends.

Some statements of the students:
"I'm glad that we use an online platform, classic methods are outdated."
"Online practical studies are more effective than classical methods."
"The interactive courses are more interesting, more engaging."

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