eNurcing - Support for students' practice

The project entitled “eNurcing – Support for Student Practice” is financed by the Erasmus+, Strategic Partnerships Key Action 2, Education and Vocational Training section.
Nr. of project: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000025611
The implementation period is 18 months, between 10.01.2022 – 10.07.2023.
Buget approved: 118,624 Euro


  • Improving target group know how in the area of vocational practice with the help of eNurcing platforms up to the end of project implementation.
  • Increasing vocational and digital expertise and competences of the lecturers in charge of students’ practice activities, due to their contribution to elaborating subject content and structure of the eNurcing platform.
  • Gaining new cultural and linguistic know how related to the healthcare and social assistance systems in the partner countries due to the study visits in the consortium member countries.

The TARGET GROUP of the project consists of:

  • a 15 student 2nd year group from the Christiana Healthcare Vocational School
  • a 7 student group, either undergraduates or 1st year alumni from OKTFORDVIL PLUSZ KFT.
  • 4 lecturers in charge of vocational practice from the two partners (2 persons/ partner).

The MAIN RESULTS gained by implementing the project are:

  • The online eNurcing platform being at disposal in three languages: Romanian, Hungarian and English. It shall simulate the practical activity in a hospital and in an old people’s home.
  • The subject content of the two modules will be adapted to current real life and needs.
  • There will be case studies and Help files for using the platform.
  • Organising and implementing exchange of best practices between target group members during visits to the two member countries (Workshops, informative meetings, cultural visits).

The project will be implemented by a consortium of three European organisations: Christiana Healthcare Postsecondary Vocational School Galaţi, Romania (as project leader), Intteco UG from Germany and OKTFORDVIL PLUSZ KFT from Hungary.

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